earth run: father and son

earth run: father and son

Monday, February 22, 2016

Top 10 January 2016

Last year, I struggled with my resolutions of at least a book-read and a blog-write a month. I started with several books but finished about two. I also wrote only 5 blogs. This year, I came up with this brilliant idea -brilliant according to my own measure -to help me keep at least the blogging part: a monthly TOP 10. Ten what? Ten anything -blessings, events, objects, projects, places, ideas, jokes, struggles, challenges, concrete, abstract -anything to be thankful for. It's a way of counting my blessings. Brilliant, eh? Let's all agree.

In no particular order, let’s begin...

1. The Past. 
Year 2015. The year was big -too big to put into words. But allow me: my family went Down Under for the first time in forever; re-visited Thailand after nearly 30 years with the wife; lighting projects outside the Metro; lighting projects within the metro; Andre’s graduation; Andre’s first job; Rissa going to Japan with the girls; Monday Bible sharing with the best men-friends; ad infinitum. If any other future year levels up with this one, well I'll be...

2. Life and Death. 

3. The Seed. 
My daily mass. Read earlier post.

4. Discipline. 
They say if you do something for 21 straight days, it becomes a habit. What becomes of it after 45 straight days? An addiction? Call it a that or call it cow, I won't sweat ya. But sweat out I do everyday I ride my stationary bike. Except for the days of chasing turon (see #9) in Baguio, I got myself to burning calories for at least an hour a day. The 5mm that this ride has chipped off my love handles greatly delighted the people in my life. Oh, who am I kidding? Am the only bag of bones that feels good about this.

5. Healing. 
Sort of. Of the wound of ancient days. When news of my nephew Matthew passing the board exams for dentistry came out, everyone was happy. But more than just happy, I felt healed. Long story but during my time (Board exams for Electrical Engineers), I didn’t make anyone happy. Or just maybe the person who stole(!?) my Math papers. Upon checking with PRC, I was told that I must have mistakenly switched my exam papers with my scratch papers. The scratch papers were given a grade: 69%! The real ones, I don’t know. I demanded to see the Math papers of the top 10 finishers. Denied. Nobody there to back me up. So thanks, Matt. Am healed. Congratulations! (Note: I took another Math exams. It was a breeze. Got my license shortly after).

6. The lil’ neighbor. 
Yup, Pia girl. Never fails to entertain us. Pia, who is bi-lingual, speaks Tagalog at home and English when she’s home with us. Some of her few-liners:
    Me: Pia, are you going somewhere?
    Pia: Nothing.
    L. Rissa (in the car): come with us!
    Pia: No, we're going something.
    Pia: is this your basura?
    L. Rissa: Of course not!
    Pia: Of course.... or not?
Because she always shows up in our front door bringing her brand of laughter, expect Pia to show up in future Top Tens.

7. New ride. 
Not the car. Just the tires.
You know what’s the next best thing to owning a new car? It’s the feeling of owning a new car. And that’s exactly what having a new set of tires can give. Hey, I may not afford to buy a new car but I can afford to buy the experience. Never mind what others think.

8. "We've Got It All For You." 
New contract with SM. All the efforts paid off. Previous to this, we were made to negotiate each and every new project. With the new agreement, no more negotiations. Just do it!

9. The Turon Chase. 
Baguio was supposed to be a marriage retreat but our retreat master Tommy’s tummy had other plans. It demanded for a turon. For three days and a half, we chased that elusive wrapped banana con langka. We found strawberries instead. And ube. And tupig. And longganisa. And coffee beans. And corn on a cob. Heck, we found the stars in the sky shining more brightly than ever. But not a single turon (an oxymoron?). Devoid of it’s craving, the master’s tummy got upset. There goes the retreat. Nevertheless, the chase gave us a good laugh and more. Something to laugh about next year. And the next…

10. The Future. 
Year 2016. It's been said many times, many ways: I don't know what the future holds; but I know Who holds the future. With God on my side, this future looks good. I can only be thankful.

        Sunday, February 7, 2016

        The Seed

        If we only knew how God regards this Sacrifice, we would risk our lives to be present at a single mass. -St. Padre Pio

        In the beginning, when I was growing up, there were no words like these from a beloved saint to inspire. Just catechism and my mother tagging us along every time she goes to Mass, Sunday Mass to be exact. 

        Masses then were lengthy, boring and irrelevant, I found myself complaining. High Masses made me anything but high. There were more important matters to spend time on but I was obliged and felt obliged.

        Then I grew up even more.
        Each Mass became an escape from the chaos of daily grind, opium to run away from problems. I needed It to break free.

        After many more years, Jesus finally happened in my life.
        The Mass grew on me –Its importance and relevance. 
        Now my daily schedule is structured around It. Without It, a day is never.
        I’ve learned to trade boredoms for peace;
        I’ve learned to trade escapes from chaos for spiritual refreshments in the midst of chaos.
        The Mass is where I get needed inspirations. Mass miraculously stretches my time making it possible for me to do daily tasks –more wisely. I gain bits of wisdom that are triggered every time a senseless decision threatens its ugly face. I know that I can better power through challenges that choke my day.

        In the Mass, more than asking for anything, I offer thanksgiving knowing that He will bless me with more reasons to go. Sure I go when there's a problem. Or when there's a difficulty. Or when there's none. Oh heavens, I go everyday. Afterall, it is written:
        In all circumstances, give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1Thessalonians 5:18. 
        And my way of giving thanks is the Mass because I always find a reason -many reasons- to be thankful.
        Just my general take on life.