earth run: father and son

earth run: father and son

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Character Development

Dear Nikkei,

Character Development -these words that are built-in into your vocabulary I hear you use in every other sentence that comes out of your mouth. Psych education kicking in, I guess. 

-in K-Dramas: it’s what you watch out for in characters played by the actors;

-in your family: you monitor our progress like lab rats -me, especially. 

Probably oblivious to you, I’ve also been monitoring you and keeping mental tab of your character development. Don’t worry, I’ll leave out your daily frustrations and rants as you might be cited for contempt. 

You started like this:

Your were sweet, bubbly, delightful, lovable. 

Then metamorphosed into this:

You grew into being sweeter, bubblier, more delightful, more lovable. 

Then blossomed into this:

Your matured even more- even sweeter, even bubblier, even more delightful, even more lovable. 

What more can I say? You are my daughter. There’s no way on earth there will come a time when these eyes of mine will not see the beauty that permanently resides in you. Never mind if you roll your eyes pretending not to laugh at my jokes or make fun of how I pronounce words with 'rl' and 'sh' like girlfriend  and mushroom, or criticize my work-outs.

You are beautiful. In the day and in the night. In harmony and in conflict. Within and without. Lazada or Amazon. You are beautiful. Let no one deceive you and make you doubt. You can say that I am territorial about my bloodline but the absolute is hard to challenge.

Happy birthday, Nina Kristin! I want to say more but I’ve maxed out all the legal praiseworthy words allowed by the law for a birthday greeting. Know that there's not a single day in the past and will never be in the future that I won't mention your name to God in thanksgiving. We love you dearly.


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