earth run: father and son

earth run: father and son

Wednesday, May 6, 2020



I must welcome you, dear, into the “for the rest of our lives” part of our militant existence. You do know that I’d rather be Kon'nichiwa-ing with you if only to memorialize this milestone but we are held prisoners by something smaller than a speck of dust. But I can't let it arrest my thoughts and senses. This day may pass sans pomp and a brass band but not without this: 
I’ve honored you most for all that you do, but since there’s not much to do now, here’s to honor you for the things you do not do:
You do not cause me to burn a building in anger, just to burn with passion like the morning sun;
You do not look into my eyes, wicked cold and careless, but with a comforting warmth more soothing than a cup of coffee in your hands;
You do not hit me black and blue, but bring color to my world like red, yellow, green and blue; and ok, lavender, too;
You don’t drive me into madness, but to be MIL with you even more like a bee to its honey;
You don’t keep me away from my dreams, but help me make them come true, like one and one is two;
You do not smile for nothing, laugh for nothing, breathe for nothing, live for nothing;
You don’t do things ordinarily, but put extra into everything, like ube in ice cream.

You do me good. You don’t-do me good, too.
There’s also something in between, but that’s just for me and you.
Soon, after this ECQ, we’ll be hitting the reset button and start anew. 
Life’s been pretty and good, pretty good, I’d say. And in this new one that’s coming, we’ll make it prettyay.
I love you doe-a-dear. Happy birthday!

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