earth run: father and son

earth run: father and son

Friday, December 18, 2020

My son, my Teacher

Hey Andre,

Prior to you being born into this world, I applied for a job I wasn’t ready for. It was sometime March of that year and the position was fatherhood. With zero experience, the only credentials that I offered were: the live-in 'seminars' with my own father - the audio of which came through one ear and out the other; and, special skills - Integral Calculus and dancing (I lied hoping it would help).

The processing took 9 whole months. It was equally exciting and daunting at the same measure not knowing what to do next after your arrival. 

Who will tell me if? 

What goes with which? 

Do I smell it to be sure? Where?

When the call came, telling me my fatherhood has been approved, I saw you literally come out of your mother’s tummy. Then, just then, "Bloody heck! You’re so bloody!" I couldn’t help telling myself while holding the camera.

But it all became clear to me. That day, I knew: nobody else will teach me how to be a father but you.

You taught me that a baby smile is a priceless relief from a hard day’s work.

You taught me that a smirk could either mean a poop or a fart and that I need to summon all my senses for the answer. 

You taught me a cry is call for a cuddle or comfort or food.

I learned to make better of good things like coffee and Excel.

And what mattered most, you taught me to be the best that I can be.

And you know what? I’d like to think that I was an excellent student. Because I became a father the second time around, nearly two years after. I merited a B+ to say the least.

I am still learning, though. But at 61, I don’t think a third-time fatherhood is a prospect. Being a dad -it just doesn’t end, does it? You still have to teach me how to pull that perfect shot without accidentally burning my arm. And how does that down-swing, follow thru work again?

Teach me, master Andre. I’d like to learn more from you. 

Happy 25th birthday, buddy! You know I love you.

Previous post: "Celebramus Leonila"

Friday, December 4, 2020

Celebramus Leonila

Leonila. Her name suggests "for others." She lived not for herself, but for those around her. Us.

She is my mother.

She's the one I raise this cup to -the one who gave me life here on earth. She would have turned 94 today. In eternity order, she’s NOW age old. My faith tells me she's still "mothering" us with her loving prayers and intercessions before God, face-to-face. She was a gentle soul whose words were always kind and pure. Never loud. Never excessive. She lived the simplest of life. She wore no jewelry around her neck or long bling-blings dangling her ears. Her gadgets were electronic gas stove clicker and transistor radio. Her idea of spa was cooking asado and raking leaves in our yard. She sacrificed much, loved much.

I was probably 6. Maybe 7. I was sick, running a fever or something that I don’t remember much details about. But there were things that I still remember: my dear Inang and I on a sleeping mat in the living room of our old house that turns into a bedroom at night. Bedroom isn’t quite the word for it because we had no beds, only banig -a handwoven mat made of buri to sleep on inside a mosquito net. She asked me how I was feeling. I told her that I was feeling like heaps of dirt being poured down on me. Like I was being buried. I don't remember how she reacted but I probably gave her a shock. I shocked her more as I grew mustache.

It shocked her when told that my board exams test papers were stolen to favor another.

It shocked her one day, when in 1983, I told her I was going abroad for work.

It shocked her to learn that the poultry business I put up was buried in volcanic ash.

I must have made life difficult for you, Inang. We wanted college but you and Tatang couldn’t afford it. So you had to move heaven, earth and everything in between to make ends collide. You didn't mind the pain but pain you endured much. I didn't know it then -perhaps this was the way you wanted it. Ohh.😢

Now I imagine you chatting no longer with just a few friends and neighbors but with legions of saints and blowing not just candles but stars and galaxies. A billion-piece orchestra playing in joyful celebration of you. 

Dear Inang, before angels and heavenly beings, raise your glorious cup to God with your perfect smile and tell Him, "This one’s for my son and for all those he loves. I love him dearly." I know if you did, God’s favor is on me. And my heart will keep beating hope.

Have the happiest heavenly blast, 'Nang. You are always here -point to my temple, and here -point to my sternum. 

I remember. I smile. I love. 

You, because. 


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Why Should I Write About This Man?

I do not see sparks when he smiles and he smiles a lot, laughs a lot. Are those real teeth, though?

The words coming out of his mouth do not compare with that of Gandhi or with any president of any country or homeowners association, whether living, dying or dead. His are of a different level altogether -lower or higher, make a guess.

His actions, namely the jumpshots he makes in every city he visits; his tennis and golf swings; his daily 25k steps; boxing punches -are more of perspirations than inspirations. But can you beat him?

Yet here I am. Nowhere near racking my brain for words to describe, honor and celebrate him. I need not see sparks, or hear rhetorical words, or witness actions that are super-extraordinary. I just have to.

He is real. They say, what you see is what you get. This may be true but for me, it’s what you see is what you love. He lets you be in his world to experience the wonder of it and learn his recipe for enjoying life each day at a time. Ask me about the joy of sharing twinning jackets with him. I smile just recalling that time. 

For him, things little are things big. Things big are things little. Don’t overthink what this means because I don’t know either. What I know is he values every little big thing that comes his way. This must have been the product of all the lessons he’s picked up all this years of working, serving, traveling and dancing in front of a youtube video.


He is family. Not just because of affinity. I call family those that I love and appreciate and those that laugh at my jokes; those I disagree with in some things but still agree in others. Oh yes, he is such. His love for his own goes beyond sanity and exceeds scientific explanation. Makes you really want to belong. And as a sweetener to this, he loves ube and macapuno. That, too, I love.

He is Hermie Morelos. If you know him as well as I do, your Facebook page should also be flooded with greetings from people he has touched and from those who want to touch him -you know, like a saint. But he ain’t one. I’ve seen his bad side to make me doubt it but yet, a bad side that’s an exemplar on how to be bad. In a good way, a bad example. Do you catch my drift? On second thought, maybe he is a saint. 

Happiest birthday, my dear brother. I know you want more of this. But too much and too mushy already. Time to bring out the good wine.

Previous post: "Character Development"

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Character Development

Dear Nikkei,

Character Development -these words that are built-in into your vocabulary I hear you use in every other sentence that comes out of your mouth. Psych education kicking in, I guess. 

-in K-Dramas: it’s what you watch out for in characters played by the actors;

-in your family: you monitor our progress like lab rats -me, especially. 

Probably oblivious to you, I’ve also been monitoring you and keeping mental tab of your character development. Don’t worry, I’ll leave out your daily frustrations and rants as you might be cited for contempt. 

You started like this:

Your were sweet, bubbly, delightful, lovable. 

Then metamorphosed into this:

You grew into being sweeter, bubblier, more delightful, more lovable. 

Then blossomed into this:

Your matured even more- even sweeter, even bubblier, even more delightful, even more lovable. 

What more can I say? You are my daughter. There’s no way on earth there will come a time when these eyes of mine will not see the beauty that permanently resides in you. Never mind if you roll your eyes pretending not to laugh at my jokes or make fun of how I pronounce words with 'rl' and 'sh' like girlfriend  and mushroom, or criticize my work-outs.

You are beautiful. In the day and in the night. In harmony and in conflict. Within and without. Lazada or Amazon. You are beautiful. Let no one deceive you and make you doubt. You can say that I am territorial about my bloodline but the absolute is hard to challenge.

Happy birthday, Nina Kristin! I want to say more but I’ve maxed out all the legal praiseworthy words allowed by the law for a birthday greeting. Know that there's not a single day in the past and will never be in the future that I won't mention your name to God in thanksgiving. We love you dearly.


난 너를 정말 사랑해,

슈퍼 아빠

Next post: "Why Should I Write About This Man?"

Previous post: "Inspirations. Happy Anniversary XXVI Edition"

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Inspirations: Happy Anniversary XXVI Edition

Rissa dear,

We do not have a theme song as a couple, or do we? I might have forgotten -just one of the things 26 years of blissful marriage can do to you. But to me, it doesn’t make any sense having one because our life is a song. When inside an elevator with piped-in music, sipping our coffee or in a hotel lobby listening to the piano man or driving with the radio on, we hear our songs played. You and I, we have that x2 factor that songwriters need to broaden their sphere of imagination and inspiration to write words we hear in songs such as:

Don Mclean

And I love you so

The people ask me how

How I've lived till now

I tell them "I don't know"

And you love me too

Your thoughts are just for me

You set my spirit free

I'm happy that you do

James Taylor

I close my eyes at night

Wondering where would I be without you in my life

Everything I did was just a bore

Everywhere I went it seems I'd been there before

But you brighten up for me all of my days

With a love so sweet in so many ways

How sweet it is to be loved by you, it's just like sugar sometimes

Jason Mraz

And through timeless words in priceless pictures

We'll fly like birds not of this earth

And tides they turn and hearts disfigure

But that's no concern when we're wounded together

And we tore our dresses and stained our shirts

But it's nice today, oh the wait was so worth it

Kenny Loggins

For the first time I am looking in your eyes

For the first time I'm seein' who you are

I can't believe how much I see

When you're lookin' back at me

Now I understand what love is, love is

For the first time

Toni Wine and Carole Bayer Sager

When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do

Is take a look at you, then I'm not so blue

When you're close to me, I can feel your heart beat

I can hear you breathing near my ear

Wouldn't you agree, baby you and me got a groovy kind of love

Steven Curtis Chapman

I will be true to the promise I have made

To you and to the One who gave you to me

I I will be here

And just as sure as seasons are made for change

Our lifetime's are made for years

So, I I will be here we'll be together

I will be here

Ed Sheeran (he really read my mind when he wrote "Perfect")

Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms

Barefoot on the grass, we're listenin' to our favorite song

I have faith in what I see

Now I know I have met an angel in person

And she looks perfect

No, I don't deserve this

You look perfect tonight

What will these guys write without us? Sad, sad songs. 

If we got a dime for every inspiration that these guys took from us, we’d be rich because everyday is just full of it -unli source of inspiration. But listening to their songs in my playlist is good enough royalty for me.

Happy anniversary, dear!

Here’s to more years of inspirations, more additions to my playlist. Yep, those are beer bottles!

We thank God for this 26th edition of this family. There's more to come.

I love you. You know the drill. 

Previous post: "Life's a Choice. Multiple Choice."

Friday, July 17, 2020

Life's a Choice. Multiple Choice.

Photo by Steve Adams on Unsplash

I was in the 16th lap of my usual Sunday run when just in front of our house where I usually double-tap my watch to register a lap, an old lady walking in the opposite direction signaled to halt my run and asked for the time. I.Mean.Freaking.Really! I can think of at least 3 reasons why of all the people in the neighborhood out in the street that day, she chose me:

  1. I was closest to her and to wait for the next person is an absolute waste of time which she didn’t have;
  2. I was wearing 2 watches. Yup -my Apple Watch and my son’s Garmin. Although they are always on-point with time, they do not register the same of the other data that I keep track of in every run like distance, bpm, calories, etc. I usually go with whichever that gives the superior data. Running, after all, is supposed to make one feel better, right? Haha. Garmin provides also the music that the other can’t without the phone. The old lady must have thought I had extra time that’s why she asked if I could give it to her. And, finally;
  3. She was hitting on me with that cheap pick up line, “Excuse me, do you have the time?” Yah, really cheap.

Now breaking a run for me is sacrilegious. But ignoring a helpless, time-clueless lady is a cardinal sin. I had three choices:

  1. Ignore her. It’s the easiest to do. But because of the previous sentence, I’m shooting down this choice;
  2. Continue running but backwards while checking the time, hope that she can still hear well despite her age and yell out, “six-ten!;"
  3. Lose no time and without looking at any of the watches, give an estimate: “ahh, six-fifteenish!”
  4. Tell her,  “It’s time to buy a watch!”
  5. Stop. Check the time. Tell.
<span>Photo by <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Agê Barros</a> on <a href=";utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_content=creditCopyText">Unsplash</a></span>
Photo by Agê Barros on Unsplash

I chose #3 in the first multiples and #5 in the second. I lost about a good 12 seconds that lap. Maybe even 13 if the wind shifted to my direction. A record run could have been broken that day. The  results would have made good IG and FB posts. But it would have left someone warped in timeless space.

Using the equation of motion, s=vt, I knew that the next minute, we’d cross each other’s path again. Lo and behold, there she was -all smile, floating in air, spinning like Maria in The Sound of Music, wanting to tell me, “Thanks. It’s 06:11 now.” That was a well-spent 12 seconds. I made one happy lady. It’ll be forever engraved in her memory.

If I could contain all pockets of 12 seconds that I’ve wasted that day, it would fill about a dozen trash bags thrown away into oblivion. Although I know I had a choice of not wasting them, I still chose to. Too lazy. Too tired. Too bored. Too three. Lah-di-dah. But those 12 seconds I managed well.

Many times than I can recall too many excuses:

It takes only 120 seconds to take out the garbage, but I’m still in the middle of slouching peacefully in the sofa;

Six precious seconds to pick up that dirt on the floor and drop it to the bin. Maybe later someone else will;

Half-an-hour to clean the kitchen counter while I have nothing else to do, but too lazy now. Besides, all the others aren’t doing anything as well;

Shoes on the floor, 14 seconds; 
Plates on the table, 75 seconds...


Many more times than I can recall too many protests running in my brain:

"Five more slides and this boring meeting is done. There is just so much to do after this (read: the new

 K-drama episode);"

"This homily is eating away my precious time with… with… some activity that has a name;"

"Dang this traffic, I can’t do anything. I can't think. I can't function."

Sometimes, the irony of it all is that we try so hard to save time that in the process, lose it. Crappy things that cause us to procrastinate or delay happen. true that. But when they do, don't allow them to undo you. You just need to focus on other things. For some people, it will be a challenge to re-focus because of hardened muscle and mental memory. But practice makes for a good lubricant the way WD-40 loosens up tightened screws.

A little effort takes an equally little time that can be enjoyed if doing good is your thing. You just have to be aware. At the end of each day, you'll find less of those trash bags of wasted time thrown away.

Previous post:  "Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser in Covid-19"

Next post: "Happy Anniversary XXVI Edition"

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Healthier, Wealthier, and Wiser in Covid-19

Even at the outset, I knew that this lockdown will work out just fine for me and for those around me that I have some semblance of influence over. In fact, I had a plan: that when this is over, or hopefully even in the thick of it, I will be healthier, I will be wealthier and, more importantly, I will be wiser. But wait, there’s more! In making myself HW&W, and because I do not regard this thing lightly but accept that it will not all be a walk in the park due to the strict social distancing rules, I will find joy every step of the way. Pleasure is part of the plan. What’s the whole point if at the end, you are healthier, wealthier and wiser but miserable?

We are now well into the fourth month since the lockdown or the adjective-adjective-adjective quarantine began. My point being this wasn’t an aimless feel-good thing at the beginning that was later on swallowed by self-pity, boredom, household conflicts, extra pounds and scarlet-red bottom lines. There is a happy ending to this story, folks!


I thought I already had a healthy lifestyle even prior to this pandemic. Because of the stent now allowing smooth blood circulation into and out of mi corazon for three years now, cardio 5k runs around the village every Sunday and workouts 2 to 3x a week were part of my routine. I also ate nothing but fish and vegetables. But I needed to level up and make it healthier as the plan demands. So I started running 5k every 3 days and, during lent season which fell within the Q period, I didn’t eat anything that had a face or a mother. Workouts with weights were 4-5 days a week. 

Expectedly, I hit a snag. No big plans are carried out without ’em, right? By Easter, stricter rules were implemented in the village that disallowed loitering and other non-essential outdoor activities like jogging and kissing. Instead of banging my head against a wall, I summoned my good ol’ stationary bike back to action (“…but where will I hang my towel?”). It’s not the same ‘high’ I get when running outdoor but I get all sweat, just the same. The heart doesn't get as much beating though and, literally, I had nowhere to go. 

When the rules eased down, I was back running 5k 2x a week and working out almost everyday. My personal 5k best was when I finished under 30mins (5’52”/km) just a few weeks ago. I like keeping tab of my stats because it’s one way to keep busy thinking about how to better myself.  This alone keeps me sane during this probably once-in-a-lifetime period in my life. I kept my weight magically between 68-70kgs all throughout this time despite developing an appetite for hot Korean ramen and kimchi. My reason for the new taste is, apart from watching K-dramas on Netflix featuring South Koreans slurping spicy jjamppong and jjol-myeon like there’s no North, Google shows that the country with the least cases of coronary heart disease in the entire planet is South Korea ( Annyeong tothat! Bring in the soju, too!

Apart from all these, my daughter encouraged me to do some abs workout -something that I only need to follow on Youtube, 10mins everyday. I am now well within my 5th week of a 2-week workout. Working overtime, that’s what it is!


My company, Toespin Lighting Design, never relented in our commitment to serve our clients. Working from home, we continued to craft design work, hold online meetings, pursue new projects and turn disadvantages into advantages. Working from home turned out to be better for us. Going to and from meetings in the south of the metro where most of our biggest clients hold office takes us no less than 3.5 hours -even if the actual meetings take only a few minutes longer than a no.2 in the toilet without a bidet. Add to that the cost of gas, vehicle wear and tear, parking, cellphone data, expensive lunch, obligatory walk thru Uniqlo and H&M, laundry, and forced smiles given to clients that don’t deserve them. Not only am I watering plants that have grown and plants that are growing, I am planting new seeds, too. Never before in my lifetime have I done bicep curls during a business meeting!

To be honest, my bottom line bordered into the yellow zone of late as I hit another snag. Summer days were really dry but when the rains came, it poured! Hallelujah!

Wealthier and Wiser.

Instead of paying tens of thousands of pesos to do them, I studied website design and made my company website all by myself, from square one. It took me one entire week to do the lay-outing, brainstorming by myself and writing content. There was a bit of cleaning and tidying up after then but I was able to put the site up in 7 days from a blank screen. Now that we are online and with the “new normal” way of doing business, I hear ka-ching, ka-ching! This old dog deserves a treat for learning new tricks!

With the help of some professionals, I also created Rosary of the Nations. This was created many years ago but was just recently finished. Most of the testing, debugging and promotions were done during this period. This is a rosary prayer portal where each rosary is a sort of a collab between 74 people from 74 countries praying in their own languages, including the Pope in Vatican City. That is, one bead, one country. Check it out -start one and 73 other people from 73 other countries will help you finish it or join one that others have started. Check out also our Youtube channel where you can download or listen to finished rosaries. 

I think of it this way. If you believe in the power of community prayer, how much more powerful your prayer is if, literally, the whole world prays with you? My dictum is this: I am empowered by people who pray for me and I help empower those that I pray for. This dictum gets reinforcement everyday when my family, joined by all my siblings’ families pray the rosary everyday. We hook up using Messenger and raise each others prayers together. This we do everyday for the past 3.5 months! Something we’ve never done since forever.


I may have gained knowledge developing and mastering a few skills. When running, I’ve even learned to communicate and control my body telling it that my mind is in control esp when running out of breath and wanting to stop. Throughout this time, I have been busier than pre-covid days. I had more business meetings, exclusively doing the household laundry and folding them after, cleaning the house and waxing the cars but have managed my time pretty well. Wisdom must be in there, alright, and I really think I am wiser for the better. But wisdom for me is this: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is prudence (Proverbs 9:10). For me, I cannot be HW&W if I am not spiritually HW&W.

Before the lockdown, I attended mass everyday, seldomly missing a day without. This is where I find inspiration especially when important decisions have to be made. Or where to go for a hot brew. Good thing is, the churches where I used to attend mass in hold online masses everyday. This is how my family and I get to attend daily mass. The church allows spiritual communion during this time.


Now my abs pack closely approximates Thor's. Yep, just by a mile! Now I can challenge Usain Bolt, too! Yup, and this article will win me the Pulitzer! But this ain’t my point!

Sadness and bitterness towards this lockdown were thrown away with the bags and bags of rubbish that we’ve been hoarding all these years. I smiled at the sun as its rays reflect against  the hood of my newly-waxed car. Joy comes when I light up a candle, as my family’s acolyte when preparing for an online mass in the morning or a rosary in the evening. Lunches and dinners were never as complete. Happiness is being able to serve family and God while feeding on your own spirituality.

There’s never been like this before since perhaps the Great Flood. I don’t know. Not in the last 60 years of my being, at least. This was supposed to be just a simple stride but somehow turned to be a journey in itself. But if this thing won’t break me, and heck, I won't let it, then nothing will.

By the way, how do you fold a bra?