earth run: father and son

earth run: father and son

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Nineteen Years Ago


You may have forgotten, nineteen years ago today, I wrote you a poem for our first anniversary. I kept the original manuscript which was a challenge since we've changed address twice over the last 5 years.

   Address was just one of many changes that happened, you must agree. The biggest change undoubtedly is the answer to the question, How big is your family? I remember we asked each other how many kids we want. I said 4 and you said 3. Collectively that's seven. Did you ever think that God gave us what we wanted? Put in all the challenges, the demands, the worries, the stress -and oh yes, we can't leave out the joys, the smiles, the hugs, the kisses and the laughter, with Andre and Nikkei, it's been like raising 7 kids altogether. No, this is not complaining. This is my simple way of thanking God for helping us raise 7 with 2. If you do the Math, that's 49!

Back to the original manuscript -the poem. Am no poet, am no writer, either. It took some time to make words rhyme you must realize. It would have been easier if Google had been there to help out. But no, it was 3 years late. I guess it must have been something good that pushed that pen to write those words. Think no more, it's the ink. A mighty ink. And before inefficiency in filing management and time take their toll on these two tiny sheets of paper, I've decided to immortalize the poem by publishing it here.

Nineteen years ago, this was how i felt. Nineteen years hence, I still feel the same. Read on, Doe-a-dear and live on. We have a life ahead of us.

 And oh, doe-a-dear, happy anniversary. I love you. I hope you like 'em.


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