earth run: father and son

earth run: father and son

Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Gift Turns 21

The day you were born was the day God completed His biggest blessing to this vacay-crazed family - the gift of God-fearing children. Before my very eyes, I saw this gift grow and give joy to those around it. I’ve seen it smile and with it I smiled. I’ve seen it cry and with it my heart wept silently.

I saw it tough. I saw it tender.

In so many ways when you didn’t have the wits about you, you terrify, confuse, intimidate, scare and horrify us and the people around you. Borderline insane, ikr! But in equal measure, you make us laugh that only a Nikkei can. You make us proud for what you’ve become. So far, so good.

You hardly ask for attention because beautiful things do not ask for attention. Yes, that I know.

Regardless, our love for you will always be unconditional. You know that, right?

One of my favorite Bible verses is Matt 6:21 - Car là où est ton trésor, là aussi sera ton coeur. I wrote it in French just so you’d open your Bible to look it up. I love this verse and live by it because when you look deep inside mine, there you’ll find my treasures. There, you occupy a special place. 

Happy birthday, Nikkei. I thank God that I am the one and the only man who can truly call you -my daughter.

This is getting long already. Am done here.
Now bring out that vegan pizza and lemonade.