earth run: father and son

earth run: father and son

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Top 10 June 2016

This list includes big and small but big, very big in the realm of blessings. This just goes to show that length, breadth, height, weight and volume are no measure of blessings. The first line should have read something big and something small but some of those are not things but warm bodies.

1. The Word.
He is not God of the dead, but of the living… Mk12:27

I’ve made it a habit to pray the prayer of St. Thomas Aquinas after receiving Holy Communion which concludes this way:

I pray, too, that it may be Your pleasure 
to call my sinful self one day to that banquet,
Wonderful past all telling,
Where You, with Your Son and the Holy Spirit,
Feast Your saints with the vision of Yourself,
Who are true light,
The fulfillment of all desires,
The joy that knows no ending,
Gladness unalloyed,
And perfect bliss:
Through the same Christ our Lord.
While praying, I try to imagine with the words of St. Thomas how heaven is like. I get that heavenly feeling just thinking about it.

2. My Day.

Being a father, that is. Not that I don’t get to be a father for the rest of the year, it’s actually the day I don’t get to be one instead. Ironic, eh? This day, I am the baby of the family. Yup -commercialism works! Mother and son split the bill while father and daughter split the yakiniku platter. 
But wait! Didn’t we pay using my credit card?! Hey! 

3. Small.Yet.Biggest.

Hands down, he brought the biggest bunch of joy to the fam bam. The most awaited, the most anticipated is finally out! For @raphael, this is a most on-the-button way to celebrate father’s day. His dada duties have officially begun. Each of the baby’s parents claims facial territories taking after theirs. The new bundle of joy has a name: Alfonso Rafael Talag Espinosa. Welcome to barangay Espeeps!

4. Toespin Lighting Design Consultants.

We turned 5 last March. I know, this item should have come out 3 issues ago. But in order to make it current, allow me to do this again:
We turned 63 this month. That’s happy 63th monthsary, Toespin! We’ve turned over countless(!) projects over the last five years of our bright existence but do you know that the very first project we were commissioned to do isn’t finished yet? This is One Eastwood Tower in Eastwood City, Libis. Although the edifice is up to its highest level and on its finishing stages already -facade lighting included, it doesn't give justice to give it a place in our archive of finished projects. Can’t wait to see it glow with delight soon. Here’s to the next 5 and beyond! A shout out to my crack team: Victor, Mario, Herbert and Blessie.

5. If I Brought Home Stuff From My Own Office, Is It Stealing?

[Or vice-versa. Or any place between vice and versa which for all intents and purposes is my car which turns into a virtual office as soon as I park these not-so-fat *ss of mine in it. Work for me is somewhere in between and inclusive.] 
Nikkei pulls a stapler out of my work bag to staple her school report using staple wires purchased with Toespin revenues. Stealing? Although the answer may be obvious, the question takes a spotlight in my mind, grateful I do not have to be concerned with matters like:
-may i call the wife using a strictly-for-the-office-use cellphone only?
-is it ok to print my son’s homework in the office?
Freedom takes on a different form from this perspective. Again, I’m grateful.

6. Back to School.

The ‘lil girl in my January post is no longer a school drop out. Last school year’s attempt did not succeed because according to her, “there were too much doings.” This time it’s a different school with a different teacher and different classmates. Judging from the galaxy of stars that are stamped daily on the back of her hands and on her arms, she’s back for good -her own good. Lest she might end up like Steve Jobs or Richard Branson or Mark Zuckerberg or Rachel Ray who didn’t finish school. Scary, eh?

7. Jubilee Year.

Our parish, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, celebrates her 50th year -a Jubilee year according to the Church calendar. I am thankful because #Toespin has a participation in its preparations -lighting of the altar and the retablo behind the altar. The bright golden light that highlights the altar that I see everytime I attend mass is a constant reminder that I am in the business of lighting primarily to serve Him who Himself is the Great Light.

8. Good Rates.

This serves as a preface to #9. I’ve been shopping for the best bank rates for a car loan for the past couple of weeks. I’ve called friends who are in the business and short-listed a few. At the end of this chase, I’ve proven that the people who know you more can offer more: my bank, BDO. Somehow, they did find a way to cut rates better than the others. 
And having done that…

9. New Ride.

Remember my New Ride entry in my January post? This time it’s not just the tires but the tires and everything attached to them. It has been 17 years since the last time I sat behind the wheel of a brand new car that I can call mine. Looking forward, 17 years may seem like forever but looking back, it’s really that not bad. The longer the wait, the better the appreciation, wise men say. If only for that precious new-car smell while driving through EDSA traffic, it is well worth the wait. God is good all the time.

10. New Government.

So did we vote for the leaders best for us or for the leaders that we deserve? Maybe both. Change is coming they say. Change always comes, doesn’t it. No matter how powerful status quo throws its weight around, there is change. Nonetheless, I am only with a bit of excitement for such that is coming, but a lot hopeful. And prayerful. God bless our country.

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