earth run: father and son

earth run: father and son

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Neo obra

Today I'm a proud owner of a Noli Del Mundo Vicedo. Who you ask? Actually, it's a What which leads to the Who. The What is an oil painting in canvas entitled Dalangin sa Hapag -loosely translated, it means Prayer at the (dining) Table -an obra maestra of The Who, Noli Vicedo who happens to be a good friend of mine from the Stone Age. And a fellow James Taylor fan.

It's the first ever purchase I made this new year 2015. It started with a post by the painter in his facebook page:

Like a rooster circling and dropping its wing to woo a hen, Vicedo shows off his wares using the digital media. And from this far end of the world wide web, it works! Gotcha! I can almost hear him say. But it wasn't this rooster's wing that got me. 

In his official website, it was this neo obra that captured my attention: 

the four human figures suggesting a family (of four);
the predominantly warm colors that the visual person in me is always drawn to; and,
the title itself that touches a part of my own spiritual journey.

Like gravity, I was pulled towards making a decision.

We exchanged messages online. La-di-dah. And deal 2015-001 is sealed.

Now I have to find a reason. Or two.

Reason 1: Our dining room/kitchen/office extension/study room. 
Would you agree with me when I say that the wall in this room needs some serious makeover? Here's a picture:

ISO 200 180mm 0EV f/13   1/15
As you can see, it's perfectly white during daytime. Here's the same wall taken at night time:

ISO 100 25mm 0EV f/8   1/60
And perfectly black at nighttime.

It's not supposed to make an imperfect room perfect. Making it perfectly imperfect is good enough for me. It should provide for an impression of distinction or maybe even of wealth -in the dining room, no less. That's what an original art is supposed to give, yes? Things will change in the way people look at our dining room from now on. Nobody will miss that part of the wall now covered by the artwork. Ah, let's talk about it. There you go, a piece to chat about!

Next, to show support to local artists. Living local artists.
In the lighting industry where I can be found twisting and shouting about, foreign consultants and designers are preferred over locals like Toespin. Not so delightful, is it! In the same light of hoping that more property developers may be enlightened to prefer and acquire our services, I also pray that local artists like Vicedo get the support of more and more Filipino art enthusiasts.  

Couldn't we shine? Rolling all my golden moments into one.
Like to shine like the sun for one more summer day.
Like to shine like a lighthouse for one last summer night,
flashing on, flashing, fading away
-James Taylor Lighthouse

Finally, it lends me an air of success, albeit fleeting -just like any new year's resolution. Some people who depend on lucky stars would rather wait for money to come in at the start of the year before spending. Me, no. Not this year. A feeling of success is what I want. Such is a mine to dig out treasure from when needed. Is this a selfish act? I'm not so sure. Am I not entitled to one? Is it a rare act? Yes, but it can't be as rare as the original Vicedo's Dalangin sa Hapag
